Get To Know A Masterful
Overview Of The

Western Christian Church

From Jesus 'til Now

A Timeline of Captivating Stories That Lead You Inside Church History is a fascinating book that takes readers on a journey through the history of Christianity, providing insight into some of the most captivating stories and moments that have shaped the Christian faith.

Journey through the pages of this book!

A Timeline of Captivating Stories That Lead You Inside Church History is a fascinating book that takes readers on a journey through the history of Christianity, providing insight into some of the most captivating stories and moments that have shaped the Christian faith.

- The lives of missionaries and martyrs, monks, popes, priests, and ministers, as well as the ordinary Christians who lived for God across the centuries.

- Augustine's City and Luther's Reformation

- The creeds that have defined (and redefined) Christian faith against divergent beliefs

- Spiritual revivals across the centuries, in Europe and the US

- Supernatural terrors, including the 400-year purge of "witches" in Europe and the US

- How worship and prayer have been practiced as part of the Christian religion across the centuries

- Ways that Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant Christianity have interacted with each other and with their surrounding communities of Muslims, Jews, and pagans.

- Contemporary attempts to revive the church in a post-modern world.

The authors also offer relevant considerations in a Bible passage and opportunities for application in your own life and home church. The format makes this an excellent text for a half-year study group at church.

If you think history is boring and also think you should know more about the history of the Christian church, this book is for you.

About the Author

Mark Boone is a managing director of the Markus Group Ltd., a global consulting firm that focuses on helping entrepreneurs develop new products and successfully bring them into the market.

Mark Boone is not only a managing director for a large corporation but is also a Christian history author who has made it his goal to teach others about their faith and the life lessons he has acquired. His most recent book, From Jesus 'til Now: A Timeline of Captivating Stories That Lead You Inside Church History, was co-written by his late mother, Julie Boone, and combines his love of writing and faith. The setting of this lovely review of the Western Christian Church starts with the times of Jesus' birth and ends with our early 21st-century environment.
